Hello Bloc

Tuesday, October 27, 2015
HotLizard are keen to announce that another satisfied client has made the most of our cost effective cloud based solution, RecruiterSites.
Hello Bloc have a great existing website that showcases their brand, but it has been lacking a functionality-rich jobs portal. Rather than starting their website project again, the most effective solution for cost, time and branding has been to develop a jobs portal that sits behind their main website. 
By choosing HotLizard’s RecruiterSites solution they have been able to meet their needs in a very short time frame at a fraction of the cost of new website development. See the results here at jobs.hellobloc.com. 
This has given Hello Bloc an additional enhancement to their offering for their candidate user experience.
For more information on how flexible RecruiterSites can be for you, to request a demo site or to book a screen share, please contact a member of the sales team on 01621 813 339 or sales@hotlizard.net