Template or Bespoke recruitment website design – which to opt for?
At HotLizard we offer a ready made, templated based design that allows a recruitment website to be set up fast. Our designs are based on our years of experience and research as recruitment website specialists, looking at the candidate and prospective client user experiences and journeys across the website.
We use our knowledge of what works effectively for the optimised user experiences is the basis of our template designs. Our template designs allow for content, imagery, logo’s and colour to be updated and built on at any time, where the updates are made instantly. This allows the recruitment website owner flexibility in developing the site to reflect the changing business needs.
A bespoke design allows for the recruitment website to be made more individually and can then potentially communicate the branding and brand values to a higher degree. Intricate aspects of the branding can be more interwoven within a bespoke design, rather than a templated solutions. Although with a bespoke design, it is important not to compromise the user experiences of both candidates and clients by over complicating the journeys.
Bespoke designs can also be more expensive than the pay monthly option of a template based design. Although when the focus is return on investment and intangibles such as brand values are factored in, it is harder to provide an exact matrix as to which is the more cost effective option.
Over the years, HotLizard has seen the benefits of both approaches to building a recruitment website, which is why we have evolved to use our template based design as the starting point for all websites. We now offer bespoke customisations to the starting point of a ready made templated design. This allows clients to make the bespoke changes at any point, often allowing the ready made template design as the starting point and building in bespoke features to reflect feedback and brand developments. Bespoke design updates at the start also allow clients to have their design request is over laid on to a recruitment specific designed website, which helps keep the key features of a candidates user experience at the forefront of the developments.
To discuss the options further, contact the team on: